Spike in Hepatitis A cases concerns health professionals

December 11, 2017

Livingston is one of the counties in southeastern Michigan experiencing a spike in the number of Hepatitis A cases reported.

The illness — an infection of the liver caused by a virus — is spread person to person or through illicit drug use. It is also transmitted by eating food or drinking beverages handled by someone with the virus; infected persons can be contagious for up to two weeks before they show any symptoms. Vaccination and handwashing can prevent the spread of the illness.

Symptoms include sudden abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, headache, dark urine, and/or vomiting, followed by a yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). Symptoms may appear from 14-50 days after exposure, but the average is about one month.

You can get more information on vaccination by calling the Livingston County Health Department at (517) 546-9850.

According to a joint release from the Southeast Michigan Health Agencies, the outbreak appears to be spreading from person to person, and through illicit drug use.

Southeast Michigan’s eight health departments represent 95 percent of the total outbreak statewide.

You can read the entire press release by clicking here.


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