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Health Department releases its annual report

The annual report of the Livingston County Health Department outlines what the agency has accomplished in 2022.

In addition to detailing the LCHD’s response to the release of hexavalent chromium — a known carcinogen that can cause several adverse health effects through ingestion, skin contact, or inhalation — into the Huron River, and to both the recall of baby formula for bacterial contamination as well as last year’s shortage, the report is full of lots of interesting information.

Did you know that there were 1,257 food establishments inspected in 2022? Or that there were 290 sexually transmitted disease cases investigated? Or that 284 people in the Prescription for Health program spent over $15,000 in tokens on fruits and vegetables?

In the report, LCHD Director Matt Bolang said that since the department is phasing out of its pandemic response, it is refocusing its efforts on “providing excellence in … core programs that protect, preserve, and promote the health of our residents.”

Part of that effort is completion of the county’s Community Health Needs Assessment, which will lead to an improvement plan to identify health gaps and steer the department’s efforts over the next few years.

You can complete the Community Health Needs Assessment by clicking here. or by using your phone to scan the QR code below:

You can read the entire annual report by clicking here.


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