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We’re back, and talking football!

Tim Robinson

By “we,” of course, I mean my partner in crime for nine of the last 11 seasons, the singular Bill Simmons.

The other two? We were on a break. Honest.

Last season, I was walking up and down sidelines throughout Shiawassee County, working in my last full-time newspaper job. Rarely went inside the press box because I was too busy taking photos

I saw some good teams play. Two state champions, to be exact.

And if I’m the good-luck charm I’m willing to tell you that I am (did I say two state champions?), then it should be a fun season.

I missed doing games last year, more than I thought I would.

Because of Bill? Um, yeah. Sure. There’s also nothing that compares to the chow in the Hartland press box. Two words: Black. Rock. Once a year, but what a year!

Football is the biggest sport in this country, in terms of spectators and interest.

It’s been a lot of fun doing games and seeing some truly great performances over the years.

We’ll start again on Friday, when Hartland and Brighton meet at Brighton in a KLAA West matchup.

Longtime rivals, both 1-0 in their division, and there’s plenty to like about the matchup.

You might want to wear a jacket as we shake off the metaphorical rust, but other than that it should be a good time.

Same announcers, with hopefully new schtick as we wrap up the second decade of the third millennium.

It’s been too long. It’s good to be back.

And, saving the best for last, you can listen here.

See you Friday.


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