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The Great Fowlerville Gas War is over. We won.

For years – no, decades – gas prices in Fowlerville have always been ridiculous. At the four stations on Fowlerville Road and I-96, they’ve always been 30-50 cents per gallon higher than the stations down the road in Howell.

I detailed it all in this post back in 2017, when prices at the time were 44 cents per gallon higher in Fowlerville than they were in Howell.

For those of us who live in the Fowlerville area, it’s always been a HUGE source of frustration and aggravation. Why should we have to drive all the way to Howell or Brighton or wherever just to fill up the tank without getting gouged?

After writing about the outrageous gas prices in 2017, I heard from so many people who were just as infuriated as I was, so in 2018, I organized an effort to file official complaints with the Michigan Attorney General’s office. The Great Fowlerville Gas War was officially on.

Well, I’m not sure how it happened, but I’m now ready to declare that the Great Fowlerville Gas War is officially over. Gas prices in Fowlerville are actually … wait for it … CHEAPER than they are in Howell!

That’s right! The cabal that runs the gas stations in Fowlerville has somehow waved the white flag and conceded defeat.

As of this writing, gas at the four big stations in Fowlerville is $3.09 a gallon. Down on Mason Road, it’s even cheaper. In nearby Howell, most of the stations have it at $3.15 per gallon.

So that means that people in Howell are now compelled to drive to Fowlerville to save money at the pump.


Now, it’s hard to say that anybody “won” when gas is over $3 per gallon. (Big thanks to whoever is responsible for that!) But gas prices are always a relative thing, so from that standpoint, this is a win.

I’m not sure HOW this win happened – whether it was the attorney general complaints or what – but it might have had something to do with the fact that the Countryway Mugg & Bopps at Mason and Fowlerville roads (just four miles south of town) started selling gas last year – at normal prices. Maybe the competition from Countryway drove the Fowlerville prices down.

Whatever the cause, it’s time for those of us in Fowlerville to celebrate. We won.


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