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Hamburg man spurred to run by what he says is Conlin’s ‘lack of accomplishment’

Hamburg Township resident Brian Ignatowski has filed as a Republican candidate for Michigan’s 48th House district seat.

Ignatowski, 41, said his decision to run for office is based on what he says is the “lack of accomplishment” of incumbent Democratic state Rep. Jennifer Conlin.

“With her party completely in the majority, she should have been able to pass many bills that would have helped her constituents,” Ignatowski said in a release. “Instead, she’s playing political games while the hard-working people of Michigan are struggling through one of the toughest economies Michigan has had to endure.”

Ignatowski said being an independent business owner provides him with first-hand knowledge of how important local government is for a community to thrive.

“The hard-working people of Michigan are tired of partisan games,” he said. “It’s time to put all that aside and use common sense to pass laws that help everyone.”

Ignatowski said he began his political education when he attended the Student Statesmanship Institute during summers of 1998 and 1999. In 2023, he received the “Emerging Leader” award from his local Chamber of Commerce.

Ignatowski said he will focus on issues that relate to everyone, and not get caught up in the politics. Education, insurance costs, public safety and infrastructure are among his priorities.

Ignatowski has lived in Livingston County for 28 years. He has been married to his wife, Jessica, for 12 years, and together they have two sons.


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