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What I’ve Read Lately: APE: How to Publish a Book

jtpedersen_321 Ignite_APE the book_Guy Kawasaki_Review 220“APE: How to Publish a Book”

Author: Guy Kawasaki & Shawn Welch
ISBN: 978-0-9885231-1-1

Chapter 1, Page 1: Should You Write a Book?  Followed by, “In this sea of choices, why should anyone give a shiitake about your book?  That’s the question you need to answer. Not: How will I benefit from writing a book?”

Right from the start, Guy Kawasaki, with Shawn Welch as his partner, digs right in with straight-firing commentary.  Theirs is a book filled with to-the-point thinking.  I found it refreshing.

Here’s what you need to know.
Here’s why.
Here’s how to get it done.

If you are seriously contemplating writing a book or similar work to be published, you need to grab a copy of APE.

APE is just chock-full of rich content.  Guy (Shawn’s a silent voice) provides page, after page, after page of external references. One thing I like, if he suggests you read another book, or wants you to see a video, the links are right there.  If you’re reading APE on a eReader (I use an iPad) you will have plenty of opportunity to leverage it’s strengths.  Print-bound readers will have to go type things in:).

An aside, it is books like this, full of links to other sources (some videos, books, websites…) that make ereaders shine.

Guy and Shawn take you right to the meat of things. For instance:

-) Should you even write a book? Is your reasoning correct?

-) Specific discussion of how the publishing industry (print & digital) works today.

-) How to write the book; what tools to use (e.g. learn to use MS Word)

-) Key areas you should spend money on and not skimp: editing, copy writing; book cover; conversion

-) Value, costs, and hazards of authors’ services companies.

-) How to sell your book via a number of distributors, as well as Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google, and Kobo.

-) How to price your book; market your book; build a platform

In the interest of full disclosure, Guy did provide me a free copy to review (Thank you).  Knowing the richness of the content, I would buy it myself if I hadn’t received it for free.

This is a high-value book targeting people considering writing their own book and in turn how to get it published.  If this is you, you need to read: APE.

Highly recommended.


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