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Posts published in June 2011

A Key to Success-The Business Case

imageRecently I was talking with a friend about some of the keys to success in our professional lives.  One of these is the importance of building business cases.

In its simplest form, a business case is a written justification for doing (or not doing) ‘something.’  Classic examples include seeking funding to hire someone or to purchase something expensive.

Key reasons for developing business cases, are to:

  • Constructively think things through;
  • Avoid missing important details;
  • Be prepared to answer questions that will arise; and,
  • Clearly be able to define outcome and value.

Many times, being able to achieve the seemingly impossible simply came down to having created a business case.

Two examples.  A major customer needed a software patch created to solve a major productivity issue.  With millions of other customers using the same product, the likelihood of getting a patch done for a single customer was all-but unheard of.