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Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality

Studies have shown that children benefit when they receive positive, healthy, sex education from their parents. But parents who were not raised that way may find themselves at a bit of a loss with their own children in this area. Parents who did not receive healthy sex education from their own parents may not feel like they know how to communicate to their children, even though studies show that healthy, parent-based sex education results in wiser choices.

Jim Burns

Jim Burns, Ph.D., works to equip parents to be effective communicators and leaders. Each weekday in cities across America he shares tips with an audience of over a million people.

Jim will be leading a seminar on Saturday at Cornerstone Church in Brighton. He hopes this fast paced, practical seminar will equip parents to help their children develop a healthy view of sexuality. Topics will include pornography, culture, media, flirting and modesty.

In the afternoon Jim will be leading a second session he calls Confident Parenting. At that time he will offer a comprehensive approach to developing a God-honoring parenting philosophy, covering topics like finding replenishment for overcrowded lives, overcoming negative family patterns, creating a grace-filled home, and communicating with affection.

“Jim Burns is an excellent guest because he brings both wisdom and grace. We need wisdom to parent well, but we also need grace to get through our weaknesses,” Pastor Tim Brown from Cornerstone explains.

“Let’s face it, most of us didn’t have sufficient direction or conversation from our parents about sexuality,” he continues. “But in our present culture there are even more confusing messages for our children than there ever were for us. Our sons and daughters need us to be proactive, to give them wise counsel, and to talk with them, not at them. We need to talk with them ongoingly about sexuality, not once or twice.”

Jim has recently authored books on both of these topics, Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality, and Confident Parenting.

Cost is $15 per person or $25 per married couple. Scholarships are available. Call Kim Traud at 810-494-4032 to request a scholarship application.

The seminar is from 9am – 4pm. A box lunch is is available for $5 each at this event. Please pre-pay when you register.

Click here to see video of Dr. Jim Burns talking about forgiveness.



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