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Spring time is blooming

If my weeds are tall and green with flower blossoms peeking out and in-between, then it must be springtime in Michigan. It is in my backyard anyway.

Every spring I promise myself it will be different; that I will be able to sit and enjoy the garden while watching all the birds and squirrels that visit. It never happens and I’ve basically given up and given in. It’s Memorial Day weekend and here in Michigan that usually signifies the start of summer, however, I’m still in spring mode.


The weeds have really taken over this year and I am working in the garden – honestly I am. But I’m older, the beds are smaller and planted mostly with perennials so I’ve learned not to fret over the weeds. My secret to a good-looking garden to share with others is in the photography. I’ve learned to photograph my plants and pond close-up and when I share my garden photos with friends while scrapbooking, or showing garden photos from my phone, they look great! No one knows about the weeds – unless they come for a visit.


The pond was photographed about three weeks ago – before the algae took over. The water looks so clear and clean in early Spring.


We enjoy watching the frogs come out for dinner every evening. They’ll leave the pond area and move into the yard searching for bugs and whatever else they might eat. This year’s crop of frogs survived winter very well and they’re quite large.


I think winter was good for a lot of the plants this year as well. My hostas are full and gorgeous! Oops, I see a weed in there – missed that one. Those are lady slippers in the background – so delicate and pretty.

wild flowers hosta

Here’s another view of a different hosta with some wild flowers I dug up from the roadside so many years ago. The delicate lavender bloom is one of my favorites.

My beds are not nearly as large as they used to be and I am so not fussy about what they look like. Nowadays they’re mostly planted with grasses, hostas and daylillies – plants that basically survive on their own and that’s a good thing in my yard; we don’t even water the grass. We spend most of our summer days under the shade tree in the backyard with a book, watching the birds, squirrels, rabbits and any other wildlife that wander into our little backyard oasis. We’ve had some unexpected visitors over the years since putting in the pond; wild ducks, great blue herons, green heron, red tail hawk and a falcon among others. And, unfortunately for my garden beds, I’d rather sit and enjoy the warm summer months rather than make sure the beds look pretty – the wildlife doesn’t seem to mind so why should I?



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