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Bezotte challenging Williams for county commission seat

Sheriff Bob Bezotte is challenging County Commissioner Steve Williams for his seat representing District 6 in the Aug. 2 Republican primary. District 6 includes Marion Township, the Village of Pinckney, and portions of Putnam and Hamburg townships. Thus far, this is the only contested county commission race in the Aug. 2 primary.

Democratic and Republican Party candidates for U.S. Congress, state representative, or any county position, must file for office no later than 4 p.m., Tuesday, April 19, 2016. Deadline for withdrawal is 4 p.m. Friday, April 22. Candidates who submit valid filings will appear on Michigan’s Aug. 2, 2016, primary ballot.

Bezotte’s announcement comes on the heels of his retirement from the Livingston County Sheriffs Department after 33 years in law enforcement.

Bezotte’s says his reasons for challenging Williams include his disagreement with decisions made by the county government, including the elimination of 24 positions from the Sheriffs Department. In addition to reducing the road patrol, the Internet Crimes Unit, the DEA Task Force, and a portion of the LAWNET Unit have been eliminated.

Williams told Radio Station WHMI 93.5 that public safety is the top priority of the Livingston County Board of Commissioners, and that the Sheriffs Department has the largest number of employees of any county department.

Bezotte, 65, climbed the ranks from Corrections Deputy to Undersheriff under Don Homan. Bezotte was elected Livingston County Sheriff  in 2005. He and his wife of 44 years, Sheila, have lived in Livingston County since 1973, with the exception of an assignment with Domino’s corporate security in Arizona from 1987 thru 1997.



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