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As “The Closer” comes to an end, who’s the leak?

Photo courtesy of TNT

Just three more episodes until the finale of “The Closer.”

Those who know me well know that I am a late-to-the-party aficionado of the wonderful, entertaining series about the Major Crimes Unit of the Los Angeles Police Department, headed up by Brenda Leigh Johnson, a lovable, tough-as-nails police captain who does whatever it takes to get criminals to confess to their crimes.

Brenda and I share a little kindred spirit of having both worked in fields dominated mostly by men. There’s a certain high-wire upon which it’s sometimes difficult to balance in environments like that, and I only wish I could have done it as well as Brenda.

It’s been a long seven years for Brenda in LA, and along the way she’s married Fritz Howard, the hunky FBI agent who unconditionally and unabashedly adores her. I’ve pegged him as my No. 1 television husband.

Brenda Leigh’s also won the grudging respect and gradual admiration and affection of her department, save for one member who’s been leaking information about her to an attorney who is hot on her trail for her methods and is out to get her. There’s been a federal lawsuit over it, which Brenda Leigh won, but the hunt continues. The attorney thinks she’s depriving criminals of their day in court; she thinks she’s on the righteous side of justice, saving the system a lot of money in court costs along the way.

So, that’s the first big question: Who is the leak?

Brenda loves her department so much that she can’t believe there is a leak. But we, the die-hard viewers, know better.

But who could it be? Who’s serving up Brenda to the “other side,” and why?

Is it her boss, Chief Will Pope? One Closer fan in my household thinks it is.

Is it Detective David Gabriel? He’s gone over Brenda’s head before, so maybe it’s him. (At least that’s how I’m seeing it right now.)

So, all you fans of “The Closer”: Who’s the leak?

We’ve got three weeks to speculate.

One thing we know for sure: Brenda Leigh doesn’t die.

Kyra Sedgwick, who stars in the series, shared with Jimmy Fallon that her character does NOT die in the series.

But we still don’t know about the leak.

Speculate away by voting and sharing your thoughts below.

And thank yew. Thank yew very much!





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